Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Project 3- LOOP


My aim with my loop project is to create a 10-30 sec loop that conveys a sense of sadness and fear. I want to use sourced video imagery, that is just as powerful still as it is as a moving image. I am not to sure if I will add sound or not as yet, I will figure that out as my idea progresses. Although I am creating a loop, I want my video piece to still en-capture the viewer and not bore them with the same continuous video and the same longitude. 

What sourced video are you using?
I am using a 20 sec sourced piece of video that I recorded off SBS, It depicts an old mexican woman crying, with fearful eyes and a black eye. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Project 2- IDENT

My aim with the ident project was to create a stop frame animation piece using a wooden drawing doll. However after the critique I was not happy with the comments or the lack of positive feedback, and in general I wasn't happy with the work I had created so I decided to re-do my entire project. My new aim is to create a more personal ident, that shows the process of me applying make-up when I get ready of a morning/and or night. I want to film it at normal speed and then fasten it up in premiere so it gets the rushed feeling across to the viewer.

How I will complete my work:
I will complete my ident by sitting in front of the camera like it's a mirror and looking into it as I would a mirror, and apply my make-up...I just hope I don't poke my eye out with the eyeliner pencil...anyway....I am going to film my self with a black background so my face is more prominant. I will start the video with no make up on and un-done hair, and do my make up and hair as the video progresses and as I would of a morning.

After I got the video onto the computer and edited it to my liking....I knew I needed a particular type of sound to go with it. I blended a piano sound with a crackley voice sound and speed it up and in my opinion it fits the video's theme and timing perfectly.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Project 1- TEXT


My automated writing piece, was pretty random. I chose to use only the first 3 line of text in my video piece. These 3 lines are as follows;

The washing on the line dances around the pegs.

The t-shirts on the line forge a relationship with cotton ball clouds.

The wind blows furiously working the t-shirts into a frenzy.


My initial idea is to film 3 plain white t-shirts with the 3 previous lines of text printed on them in black. I want the t-shirts to be blowing in the wind on the washing line.


My aim and vision for this video piece is to keep it simple, I don't want to overcrowd my idea with "WOW" effects. By keeping my idea simple I believe it will best get across to the viewer the idea I am trying to convey.

I want the work to run through very smoothly, smooth transitons between pieces. I am going to make the video footage of the t-shirts blowing on the line black & white with added contrast. I wish to slow the video down by half (the beauty of the t-shirts blowing in the wind can be seen easier this way). I also want to find a piece of music without lyrics that narrates the beauty of the t-shirts blowing.

I am going to use a range of video shots; Angle shots, front on shots, close ups etc..


I plan to print the text lines onto sticker A4 sized paper then stick it to the front of the shirts. I will use a tripod with my camera on it to film them (I don't want wonky footage!). I am going to use a household fan to create the wind effect I want.


After Thursday's critique, Raef suggested I edit my video piece so that it was more in sync with the music. Below I have included the YouTube links to both attempts at this project.

Critique Version(YouTube link):

Edited Version(YouTube link):

The quality of the videos got even worse when I uploaded them to YouTube & I don't know how to fix it.